Letter to My Higher Power

In completing my Third Step, I followed a suggestion to write a letter to my Higher Power. I thought the suggestion a bit unusual until I realized that by taking Step Three, I would be in effect entering into a covenant of sorts with my Higher Power, and that a letter would be an effective way to document my side of the agreement. Since my addiction caused me to walk away from my Higher Power many years ago, it was important for me to carefully identify the One to whom I would be turning over my life and will. Drafting this letter enabled me to archive my commitment and surrender to the One who would do for me what I could not do for myself. Following is the record of my decision to yield once again to God “as I understand God.”

Cameron S., Kent, WA

May Your Will, Not Mine, Be Done

Dear God,

I feel that it is important that I begin this letter by identifying You as my Higher Power. As important as SA has been to my life over the past year, the program would have meant nothing to me without the assurance and knowledge of You as my Higher Power. I have come to believe that I will know You better as I spend more time with You in prayer and meditation.

I address this letter to You to document my decision to turn my life and will over to You. I have decided to let You direct the affairs of my life from this day forward. I have come to this decision because I have tried everything to solve the problem of my sexual addiction, but nothing has worked. I could not “work harder” to recover. I could not “read” my way out of my addiction. My circumstances have brought me to the point of turning to the only source of power and wisdom that will enable me to find sanity and wholeness in my life. That source is You. I am powerless over my addiction. So here I am.

I want to live my life in Your power alone. I don’t want to put any more trust in my own abilities. I desire to know Your will and to receive the power to carry it out. Gone is any thought of doing what I want. I now want to do what You want with my life.

I am certain that I have a long way to go. I must admit that I have never given You the opportunity to direct my life. I have always directed my thoughts and actions, using what I consider to be my own wisdom. But I have come to understand that outside of Your influence, my wisdom is flawed at best.

I have always searched for some magic potion, some magic formula to turn my life around. That search is over. Today I come to make a simple declaration: “Thy will, not mine, be done.” I now turn to You with this simple surrender of my life and will. I surrender every thought and action to You. Do with me as You will.

My commitment from this day forward is to choose recovery over my addiction—one moment at a time—by using the program to guide me in my walk, in dependence upon Your power.

Thank You for Your kindness, love, unfailing grace, and tender mercies toward me. May our bond grow stronger each day.

— Cameron

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