Upcoming SA Correctional Facilities (SACFC) Newsletter

The CFC is planning to print a newsletter composed mostly of writings by SA members who are incarcerated. Usually prisoners in different facilities are forbidden to communicate with each other. The idea is for the CFC to act as a central receiving location for prisoner-produced articles. The text will be edited and distributed back to SAs in prison as a one- or two-page newsletter.

Acting as a buffer between prisoners and omitting contact information, this yet-to-be-named publication would allow SAs in different locations to share their ES&H about how they handle the special challenges of working a program and running meetings on the inside.

More details will be decided at the committee’s May phone meeting. If you currently write to prisoners, please inform them of this upcoming project. If you would like to help—or if you have a suggested name for the newsletter—please contact the CFC at

Davis C.

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