What’s Going On in SA

Copyright Protection of SA Literature

Dear Fellow SA Members:

We have received requests to check different websites that offer free PDF downloads of the SA White Book and sell SA literature from locations other than SAICO online and SA Publications. One website has requested to keep the White Book on their website after we requested they take it off. Now, we have asked the websites to cease and desist in violating the copyright of materials.

We appreciate you and thank those of you who have brought many of these sites to our attention. Sexaholics Anonymous does not have the copyright for any of the material from SA Publications. The SA Permission Committee has been authorized by the copyright holder:

“to pursue such action as may be necessary in order to protect the copyright of the book Sexaholics Anonymous and all SA Publications. Placing the text of this book online in .pdf, .html, or any other format for others to download at will has not been authorized by the copyright holder. It has been discovered that the copyright has been, and is being, violated.

“ALL links offering Sexaholics Anonymous White Book are in violation of the copyright. Direct all who have downloaded Sexaholics Anonymous to delete their copies and to refrain from further copying or distributing copyrighted material without permission.”

We need your help in requesting all members of Sexaholics Anonymous that you also cease and desist in offering or using all of SA Publications and SAICO literature in PDF or any electronic form. This includes any material that members of the fellowship already have. We suggest that all SA members cease and desist further unauthorized downloads, use, and distribution of all materials from SA Publications and the SAICO online store.

We request that you carry this message to your regions and the leaders in stopping these violations.

Thank you for your service and may God continue to bless you and the SA fellowship.

Sexaholics Anonymous Permissions Committee

Mike S., Chair, SA Delegate Assembly

Elizabeth T., Chair, SA Board of Trustees

Jim M., Chair, SA Literature Committee

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