A Word About ESSAY

I’ve been a sexaholic most likely since the age of 11. I’m 64 now. I’ve been in recovery, through the grace of God and SA, for almost 16 years. For reasons too long to go into, my sobriety over the last two years has been spiritually weak.

I have read, periodically, a few ESSAY quarterlies over the years. I even took an annual subscription a number of years ago. I had good intentions, but I never read most of them. Then last summer we moved across the country for my job, and I found an SA group about an hour from my home. After one of the meetings, I picked up an ESSAY on the literature table and took it home. As I read it, cover-to-cover, over the next week, I was amazed that the stories seemed to be almost custom-made for several of the issues I was dealing with. I was so intrigued that I grabbed another issue the following week, and I got the same results.

I could not believe how pertinent, insightful, and wise each article was. It was an affirmation that my Higher Power cares for me. I realized that I needed to make some changes soon, or I was quickly heading for disaster. In fact, I was so taken that I went on-line and ordered all the ESSAYs! Now I read ESSAY articles each day as part of my morning devotions. I underline and comment on specific sections that speak to me. I just finished one a few minutes ago and was so moved by the author’s gratefulness for her sobriety that I dropped everything to write this note to ESSAY. I now encourage my fellow recovery community to not wait as long as I did to read ESSAY and glean the pearls of wisdom it has to offer.

Thank you, ESSAY, for another tool that helps me stay in healthy sobriety!

Tom P., Central Virginia

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