San Diego 2016 Convention Reflections

The recent 2016 SA International Convention in San Diego, California was my first experience of such a gathering. My first years of SA consisted mostly of phone meetings, working with a phone sponsor and attending lots of other recovery group meetings face to face. I worked with the Step into Action books that were instrumental in making the progress of recovery to grow into the present four and a half years of sexual sobriety. I am truly grateful for SA and all the Fellowship, tools and resources that have been great sources of blessings in my journey.

At the International Convention I met a number of fellows who had longer years of sobriety than me. I was struck by their peace and demeanor when I asked them questions about recovery and what their experiences were. I appreciated their generous and gracious shares and suggestions for me to consider moving forward in recovery. I felt hope in my encounters with both SA and S-Anon fellow members throughout the Convention.

The speakers’ stories were powerful, again from both SA and S-Anon members. I am humbly reminded when listening to S-Anon shares of the effects and injury I have inflicted on family, friends, co-workers and the community at large because of my disease. I realize the many years of its progressive and destructive ways. The clarity with which the speakers spoke reminded me of the glimpses of insight, recognition and realization of the graces that God has granted me in working my Steps, staying close to the Fellowship, following the guidance of my sponsor and trudging along the Way. I do this one day at a time, humbly aware and humbly grateful to God who keeps me sober and sane. I heard and saw the Promises becoming real and alive through the testimonies of several fellows.

I met a number of fellows who personally knew Roy K. This is new for me. Only on occasion I hear Roy’s name mentioned at the Intergroup meetings and Twelve Step SA retreats. On the local meeting level, I don’t hear his name and our SA story as a whole. I met members who were blessed in having shared times and experiences with Roy and other early members of the Fellowship. They also enlightened me on the different developments of SA, sometimes hope-filled, at other times challenging, such as the issue of sexual sobriety.

One special moment involved a particular Tradition. The co-chair of a session shared how while working this Tradition over nine months, he changed in his perspective and use of this Tradition in a practical way. Never have I heard of working a Tradition in such a personal way. The Traditions remind me of the “We” nature of our Program and how we can live the Traditions. I came away from that particular session eager to continue my Step work. I look forward to working the Traditions, again under the guidance of my sponsor.

I came away from this International Convention more aware of the Fellowship at large. I heard that half the SA membership resides in North America and the other half is scattered throughout the rest of the world. I am glad to know that an SA International Convention in 2017 will take place in Israel. There were questions of how to “carry the message” to other suffering sexaholics and the connections and collaborations we make with those members of the fields of medicine, of religion and of media.

As a Fellowship, what we have freely received as a gift, we choose to freely give away as a gift. I come back to my local home group and the Intergroup committee with renewed and deepened experience, strength and hope.

Frank S., Southern California

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