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SA Correctional Facilities Committee
International Convention Report

SACFC had a good presence at the Israel convention. [Your chair] addressed the entire conference on the first night, encouraging members to participate in the CFC work either by volunteering or by requesting that a CFC chair position be established in their locale.

About a dozen members attended the open business meeting. Members from the US, Israel, Canada, Belgium, Poland, Ireland, and Germany had participated and shared their ES&H. We provided the overview of the ongoing CFC projects, as well as offered direction for future work. International members reported being empowered to continue this important service. Poland requested that a SACFC member participate in the local convention in Poland (via Skype) to share ES&H with them.

The Sponsor-by-Mail workshop was very lively, with discussion and questions going back and forth. Members from Britain and other local fellowships engaged me in conversation about the CFC. Much has been learned from the experience of the Israeli fellowship, especially regarding project Silkworth (engaging a non-sexaholic to advocate on behalf of CFC).

For the 7th tradition, the Israeli convention collected $323, forwarded to SAICO.


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