Stopping Myself, Not!

I’m a sexaholic which means I’m powerless over lust and lust will always win the battle if I try to stop my diseased mind from lusting. Powerlessness means the battle is already lost. There is no point in trying to struggle any longer. I have nothing left to do but unconditional surrender.

When I first came to SA, I was looking for a little something to add on to what I already thought was true. From my culture and religious tradition I had a fairly well-formed idea of God and right and wrong. SA simply needed to fit in with what I already knew, and everything would go just fine. I would stay sober, and God would be happy with me. But it didn’t go just fine. It didn’t work at all. I didn’t stay sober or find freedom from lust and sexual acting out. It didn’t work because I still needed something I thought I already had. I needed a right relationship with God, a God that was “for the sexaholic,” a God who “could and would do for me what I could not do for myself.”

I kept thinking that I needed to take care of my sexaholic problem myself, and then I’d have a right relationship with God. God had a different idea of how this was going to work. My way didn’t work. His way did. My way was based on a high view of myself (pride and false humility) and my strength (to fight lust). His way required my real humility and His power over my lust. His way worked because He is God, and I am not.

I learned this through the experience of working the 12 Steps of AA/SA under the direction of a sponsor. Maybe there is another way it can work, but my experience and the experience of many other sober and happy and free SAs is that the SA way works when nothing else we tried did.

Anonymous, Taichung, Taiwan

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