A New Logo for S.A.?

I would be disappointed to stop using the original SA logo [Essay, February 2018] with its rich history and symbolism.

The male, female, and combined male/female symbols are gender symbols. They are not sexual orientation symbols which have linked gender symbols. The combined male/female gender symbol can also refer to any entity that includes both genders.

The brush-stroke design of the SA logo was on the printed cover of the 1989 “Sexaholics Anonymous.” It was artistic, reflecting the beginning words of the SA Purpose: “Sexaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women…”

An old-timer who was around in 1989 laughingly said that men who in insobriety carried a porn magazine under their arm, suddenly in sobriety became modest, and didn’t want to be seen carrying Sexaholics Anonymous. The Solution? A plain white cover!

In 1992 my first White Book had a printed cover. Although I thought it looked real classy, I always hid it until I arrived at the meeting! Printed cover “White Books” are still available.

Dorene S., Washington, USA

Mixed Gender Meetings

I just read the Essay. Really enjoyed it. I offer a short quote in response to the February 2018 issue on mixed meetings: “Every meeting I have attended in my time in SA has been a mixed meeting. There were potential triggers at every one of them. When you have same sex attraction that is just the way it is. Deal with it.”

Dave T., Oklahoma, USA

G-d or God?

I have been an Essay subscriber for over 15 years. I was reading a recent issue where it seemed that the word “God” was forbidden. It was replaced by G-d or G–. I find it annoying. Are people offended by the word? Are we going to censor the Steps in the same fashion? I’ve never seen AA or any other fellowship do this in any of their literature. The AA Big Book says we never apologize for God. I don’t think the Essay should either.

Jeff S.

A reply from SAICO:


The use of G-d or G– is a clear indicator that the writer is Jewish. In their faith practice they do not use the name of God so that they may always be respectful of Him. Occasionally, you may see such a writer use Higher Power or HP. This is in no way disrespectful of God or ignoring God. Rather this is giving God more honor than many others do.

Other than that, God, the God of our understanding, HP, Higher Power, Creator, Master, and many other titles, are still the center of the understanding of the SA Fellowship and Essay as the founder of our recovery.



Essay en Español

March 2018

Dear fellows,

Please be informed that the new “Translation to Spanish Committee” set up by the new Latin-American region in formation, would like to start translating issues of Essay into Spanish. They can do it within a month after publication of each issue.

Marco, Translations Committee


Dear all,

SAICO has no problem with uploading Essay to the SA website. It is an “official” publication. My only concern would be space. As long as we have space, we can fill it to the brim with SA stuff—the more translations, the better.


April 2018


I attach the final version of the Essay magazine in Spanish of the month of February so you can send it officially to SAICO and Marco.

All the best,

In Fraternity,

Adhe C., La Paz, Bolivia

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