Regarding The Choice of Cartoon

The Feb 2021 issue had a cartoon of a male in recovery witnessing those of various religions squabbling over ‘who is in the right,’ and engaging in fisticuffs. The ‘observer’ stands aside, witnessing the fray. The message of freedom from anger and resentment could have been conveyed much better. Anger, in particular, is a complex issue. Rendering it so simply does not do justice to finding recovery from anger and rage.

In the AA Big Book, we are asked to take advantage of what religious people do offer. Additionally, the cartoon promotes racial stereotypes, objectifying and rendering judgment of the world’s internecine battles. I found it visually offensive and in poor taste.

Eric S., California, USA

Today Is My Favorite Day

Yesterday the principal of the university I’m in sent a picture of Winnie the Pooh to all the students. Winnie and Piglet are sitting on the trunk of a tree laying on the ground. Winnie asks his buddy Piglet “What day is it?” When Piglet answers “It’s today,” Winnie says as simply as profoundly “My favorite day.”

Under the profound dialogue of the two protagonists the principal added: “It’s no coincidence that Pooh and Piglet face the world together. Currently, we have little to no choice but to live in the moment and face the world together. It’s difficult to look far into the future. So let’s try to make the best of each day, because you’ll never get it back.”

The words of the principal made me think of our program, and of how Pooh and Piglet are like me and the SA fellowship.

I am in the process of learning to live more and more in this moment, in the here and now, and face life on life’s terms—together with you, my brothers and sisters in recovery.

I want to let go of my stinkin’ thinkin’ like: “Will I feel this bad my whole life?” or “It hurts so much, how much long will I be able to handle these painful feelings?” As well as the self-sabotaging thinking like when I feel good: “Yeah, but that’s coincidence, tomorrow it will be the same as usual.”

Like Winnie, I want to learn to say: “Today is my favorite day!” Today I am grateful for the gift of sobriety; today I am grateful to have found the fellowship of SA; today I am grateful for all the meetings that are available due to the pandemic.

Have a great day today, dear SA family.

Nathalie V., Antwerp, Belgium

Read Essay and Learn Polish!

The Polish fellowship had for some years the wish to translate the Essay into Polish but hadn’t found the right team of committed servants for it—until recently. We are very happy from now onwards to offer the full Essay in Polish to our members.

Orest, Poland

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