Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers,

We hope you find inspiration in this issue on how you can turn your local meetings into strong spiritual gatherings by reading contributions from fellows from all over the world. You can also find out which pieces of literature on meetings our fellowship has to your disposal.

Furthermore, a member from Idaho reported reprogramming her mind using the Slogans; a Tennessee old-timer found a life of unlimited service and fulfilling relationships; a German fellow went abroad to find a different way of meetings and brought this new way back home; inmate sponsor B. shared a letter to an incarcerated brother; and the Asia Pacific Online Unity Conference as well as the Interregional “Our Common Welfare” Convention sent us an account of how the events went.

This issue also reports on the first round of the fun, international recovery tool called “The Game” and tells us what the participants learned after 28 days of spiritual competition.

In fellowship,

The Editorial Team

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