Zooming into the Next Right Meeting

Recently, I was exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. I had symptoms, so I called my physician who referred me to a “drive thru” test site for the virus. After the test was conducted, I promptly pulled my car into a parking lot while gripping the steering wheel, feeling so alone and afraid. I had symptoms for the virus, didn’t I? Why did I even need a test? I thought “This is probably the last few weeks of my life!” With my emotional sobriety at risk, I said a quick prayer which provided a little relief.

I had a vague sense that it might help me to call my sponsor or grand sponsor but that thought faded quickly. By that time, I noticed a message on my smartphone from one of my SA friends in one of our emerging communities. It was a Zoom link to an Arabic-speaking SA meeting which started minutes earlier. Although I do not speak, write, or understand Arabic, I thought that this might be an answer to prayer. So I clicked and went onto the Zoom meeting to which my SA friend in Egypt invited me.

Immediately I felt peace in that meeting in spite of the obvious differences in language, culture, religion, etc. As I wasn’t able to read the Arabic texts, I clicked the Participants list and noticed a sponsee.

Before I could even send him a message, he messaged me and offered to translate for me. I accepted his support and read the reading that the group was discussing, which was the AA Big Book pages 67 and 68 on the topic “Fear.” How timely for me? My Higher Power knew just what I needed! As soon as I read it, it was as if I was at an English-speaking meeting. I was welcomed by the group and even realized that I knew a few of the members at the meeting. I tried to lead with my weakness in my share. It was so nice to be in a meeting, to feel a part of something like SA!

Isolation is for the birds! My favorite line from the reading was the promise – At once we commence to outgrow fear. (AA 68)

By the way, the COVID-19 test came back negative. I appreciate the SA international fellowship and look forward to seeing what God will do as we try to carry the message of our recovery to those who are still suffering from this disease.

Hal C., Virginia, USA

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