Sponsoring Prisoners By Mail

Thankful to God for the opportunity to share the SA experience strength and hope with the prisoner.

After much discussion and exploration to form SACFC in the Puget Sound/Seattle WA area, September 1st 2019 marked the first Puget Sound/Seattle Correctional Facilities Committee meeting. Present were Shawn H. and Michael R.

We had much to discuss in terms of getting set up, but this has not stopped us from getting our “boots on the ground.” We responded to three inmates in the California Correctional System who sent Prisoner Request Forms to the SAICO office. We look with anticipation in hearing back from them.

My story of Experience, Strength, and Hope to reach out to the inmate who still suffers with this addiction comes from my personal experience of brokenness. Once I was incarcerated for my wrongs against two of my minor family members. My harm of them and shame for my hidden life was immense. My life and theirs will be forever affected. I will know supervision by the Department of Corrections for the rest of my life. 

I know what it means to live inside those walls, and to feel so isolated, lonely, and the painful loss of autonomy. My heart feels deeply for these inmates. With all that God has given me I will press forward to doing this service work. Thank you for your prayers in advance!

Michael R., Washington, USA

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