Joe was an SA member who lived some distance away from the nearest meeting and hardly ever got a chance to go. He had a few months’ sobriety, and his sponsor was very encouraging, giving him lots of advice. So Joe decided to start a meeting nearby. To do that, though, meant that he needed to reach out to professionals—as our White Book writes, We begin by meeting regularly with other members. If there is no group where we live, we start one ourselves, even if it is meeting with only one other member. Fellowship is that crucial to our recovery. (SA 63)
In this inspiring episode of “Aha! Moments,” we learn that staying sober was so important to one member in particular, that he went out and started an in-person meeting himself. We see how simple the process is, and that almost anyone can do it. It just takes a little effort. With a few phone calls and some in-person follow-ups, Joe sees—in his own life—that this effort has clearly kept him sober. He is witnessing what the AA Big Book refers to when it says, … and great events will come to pass for you and countless others. (AA 164)
Be sure to watch this motivating and touching episode of “Aha! Moments” by clicking here: https://vimeo.com/748537913