A Postcard for You

A Postcard for You


This is a postcard I sent from the Cracow Convention, where I asked fellow attendees to write something or at least their names for my home group in Italy. It was a meaningful experience for me to engage with both familiar faces and newly met fellows, offering a small way to “carry the message” to those who couldn’t be present. Additionally, it could serve as a bridge from our group to the larger SA fellowship. There were many names written, reflecting various languages and alphabets. My only regrets? Not buying a larger postcard to collect even more messages, and not using colored pens.

For me, postcards are also a way to make loving action to my close relatives. When I was in the problem, one of the very few reasons for me to travel was acting out, done in secrecy. However, when I started traveling for my recovery, the secrecy lessened (though forgetting to share still remains a possibility). Even though my relatives might not be interested in the reasons behind my travels, I felt compelled to lightly involve them in my changed attitudes. Thus, the commitment to send postcards began.

Even now, it’s not an easy task: what to write? How to write? How not to sound awkward? What if they find it uninteresting? However, at least I write some kind of greetings to at least indicate that I’m thinking of them. Yes, my starting point is modest, but it’s also an opportunity for me to learn the A-B-C of connecting with others.

Speaking of attending conventions abroad, an unexpected side effect was a strange but powerful display of affection. Last year, when I informed my siblings about my trip to Armenia, my older brother expressed deep worry and even wanted to meet up to dissuade me from going (I still wonder why, though). Despite his concerns, I proceeded with my plans and sent postcards. Interestingly, it became the most significant display of affection I’ve received from him thus far.

And what about the Cracow Convention? Well, it was a truly remarkable experience. It provided a significant opportunity to meet new friends from numerous countries, each with their own recovery journey. It also allowed for reconnecting with friends I hadn’t heard from in months. Even encountering Italian fellows, with whom I was already in touch, in a new environment offered a fresh perspective. A big thank you to the Polish fellowship for their exceptional service and efforts, to the speakers, and to the volunteers of the Talent Show!

Claudio F., Bassano del Grappa, Italy

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