Editors Corner

Editor’s Corner


Hi fellows,

In this edition of ESSAY, we look at relapse prevention. “We never knew there was another option—surrender” (SA 84). In this quote from the chapter “The Third Option” in the SA White Book, Roy K. reveals the key to stopping and staying stopped! He stayed sober from 1976 until his death in September 2009 by practicing surrender. An oldtimer from Chicago explains that surrender is not some complicated, abstract process; it is simply, “executing the suggestions of the sponsor.”

In this month’s edition we read how rigorously surrendering every tiny temptation helps to maintain recovery, and how giving, in the sense of passing the message on to others, is more fulfilling than taking from others.

An American oldtimer testifies how his no-nonsense mental abstinence from lust has been the foundation of his 39-year sobriety. Another member shares how sponsorship has proven to be his best relapse prevention. A Russian lady now living in Vietnam, outlines in a detailed, inspiring way how practicing her program daily keeps her sober.

In the section “Worldwide News,” we read that SA is growing in Hungary; there is also exciting news about three upcoming International Conventions.

From now on, the PDF version will contain only the 36 pages of the print version. However, the website version has on average 5 articles more. In order to enjoy these, you can subscribe to the full digital experience and in this way support our worldwide service of carrying the message.

The Editorial Team, essay@sa.org

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