What's Going On in SA

What’s Going On in SA

Trustee Nominating Committee:

I write with gratitude for SA, the guidance of our Higher Power, and the excellent and dedicated work of the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee worked diligently throughout 2022-23 knowing there would be a high number of Trustees rotating off the Board this past July. Needless to say, replacing needed vacancies was a critical challenge. Since April, five Trustee candidates were approved by the Nominations Committee and passed on to the BOT for consideration. All five candidacies were subsequently approved by the Trustees and forwarded to the GDA. Three candidates Gary P., Jack H., and Mathew M. have been GDA approved. Currently, two potential Trustee candidates await GDA interviews. The Nominations Committee continues to actively seek and invite applications for Trustee candidates.

Nominations Committee – Jack H., Trustee liaison – Gary L., Chair

Finance and the 2024 Budget:

The finance committee collected inputs from committees, reviewed historic data and met, discussed, passed, and submitted a proposed budget for the fellowship for 2024. The Board of Trustees (BoT) reviewed the submission, accepted the proposal, and passed it to the General Delegates Assembly (GDA) for review and approval at their 1 Oct 2023. The budget is ambitious, however with the growth of the fellowship, the Finance committee and BoT believe it is appropriate and achievable.

Finance Committee, Gary P., Trustee Liaison – Kent A., Chair

Regional Alignment Committee (RAC) Meeting Census:

As of Sep 6, 2023, through the Meeting Registration system, the Regional Alignment Committee (RAC) has recorded 1900 meetings. RAC continues to monitor edits and new Meeting registrations to ensure the accuracy of the meeting repository.

52 meetings of these meetings have indicated no Region or Intergroup. RAC is working with the Global Outreach Committee (GOC) and the Service Structure Committee (SSC) to reach out to these meetings and ensure all meetings have an opportunity to gain a stronger connection to the Service Structure. 33 of these meetings indicate that they do not adhere to the SA Statement of Principle. 24 of these meetings are in the Northwest Region. RAC is working with the Northwest Region to reach out to these meetings.

The Persian region has not registered any meetings but has stated that they have 180+ meetings Iran. RAC is working with the Persian region to produce a Farsi version of the Meeting Registration system which will hopefully enable the Persian speaking meetings to register.

RAC has asked the GDA for clarification on how to count meetings in the census. After the GDA meeting on October 01 RAC should have the needed clarification.

So, the counting continues. Please keep your meeting registration current, because the IT Committee is working to convert the sa.org Meeting Finder to use the same database. If your meeting isn’t registered, do so today! This new app puts the power of the web in your hands for newcomers to find you.

Regional Alignment Committee: Jerry E., Trustee Liaison – Farley H., Chair

IT Committee – New Event Registration System Approved:

The current event registration is 16 years old. It is a high priority to switch to a new platform and decommission the current system. The IT Committee recommended to the BOT that RegFox be adopted as the new fellowship-wide event registration system. The BOT approved the recommendation and work is underway to replace the old system.

IT Committee Web Application Developers Needed: SA is still looking for volunteer web application developers to build and maintain new functions on our sa.org website. Example functions are the Meeting Finder, Event Registration, SA Store, etc. Needs experience in web design and development with knowledge in PHP, HTML, CSS, and basic SQL. Talk with your sponsor about what you can do. If you are interested, contact SAICO to get in touch with the IT Committee.

IT Committee: Jerry E., Trustee Liaison – Bruno and Richard, Co-Chairs

Accessibility Committee (AC) – Help Wanted:

The Trustee Accessibility Committee is looking for new members and a chairperson, with a dash of tech experience. At this moment our focus is helping the visual impaired and deaf people (ASL). Interested? Send an email to SAICO and it will be forwarded to the committee chairperson.

Accessibility Committee (AC): Jackie H., Trustee Liaison and Chair

Legal Committee Needs Help:

Can you help? SA’s Board of Trustees is served by a number of committees who assist it in administering the policies and decisions of the General Delegate Assembly. One of these is the Legal Committee whose mission is “to advise the Trustees on legal matters affecting the Fellowship.” (SA Service Manual, ch. 13, p. 2). The Legal Committee is looking for both members and a Chair. If you can help, please contact SAICO.

Legal Committee (LC): Jerry E., Trustee Liaison – Chair Open

The Public Information Committee (PIC):

PIC is currently seeking some new members, and a new committee Chair. SA members interested in a service opportunity may find more information on the Board of Trustee Committees in Chapter 12 of the SA Service Manual.

Coming Soon: The Public Information Committee is producing a great new set of Videos to help the newcomer entitled the “Newcomer Orientation Video Series.” They are both fun and informative. The Trustees have reviewed and approved the videos. They will be reviewed by the GDA at the October GDA meeting.

Public Information Committee (PIC): Jack H., Trustee Liaison – Chair Open

Next Year in Jerusalem! “Stepping into the Light”:

Our next International Convention will be in Jerusalem Israel Jan 22-24. The Jerusalem fellowship has been working hard to make this convention a great success. Register now at sa.org or steppingintothelight.org. The Trustees will be meeting at the convention location on Jan 21st. We hope to see you there.

International Convention Committee (ICC): Duane D., Trustee Liaison – Rich P., Chair

ESSAY Magazine: Matt M., Trustee Liaison – Luc D., Chief Editor

Jerry E., Virginia, USA — Trustee Chair

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