Hope For Freedom

Hope For Freedom

The XII Convention of Sexaholics Anonymous in Colombia

In the peaceful town of Paipa, Boyacá, known for its hot springs and mountainous landscape, the XII Annual Convention of Sexaholics Anonymous was held last August. At the “Les Foyers de Charité” Retreat House, 42 men gathered under the theme “Hope for Freedom.” For three days, connection and recovery were the central focus of the event, where commitment to sobriety and hope guided every activity.

A Gathering of Community and Hope
The event began on Friday with a welcome dinner and an emotional opening meeting. Under the convention’s theme, “Hope For Freedom,” stories of recovery were shared, reflecting personal challenges and triumphs. This first gathering created an atmosphere of trust and openness, laying the foundation for the following days.

The Inspiring Presence of Mitch and William
This year, two guests from the United States, Mitch and William, brought their experience and wisdom to the event. With many years of sobriety, both shared their stories with a clarity and humility that deeply resonated with the participants. Mitch, with his calm approach, emphasized the importance of humility in the recovery process, while William highlighted how sobriety has filled his life with purpose and freedom. Their shares were a pillar of support for many, reinforcing hope and commitment to sobriety.

A Saturday of Reflection and Growth
Saturday began with a morning meditation, preparing participants for a day of learning and reflection. The day included workshops on essential topics for recovery, with one focusing on the traditions of Sexaholics Anonymous and their role in the unity of the fellowship. Another key workshop was on relapse prevention, where strategies for avoiding risky situations were discussed, and testimonies about moments of weakness were shared. This workshop emphasized the importance of constant vigilance and self-evaluation in sobriety.

The Step workshop, which lasted almost three hours, was another significant moment. The SA Steps are the backbone of the recovery program, and in this session, participants shared their experiences, creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual support.

New Perspectives and Connections
Throughout the day, an inspiring discussion addressed how to achieve a “renewed, happy, and joyous” through the SA program. Participants reflected on how sobriety allows for a fuller and more meaningful life. Additionally, the global growth of the SA fellowship was explored, as well as how local groups connect with the international structure, strengthening the sense of belonging to a global community.
One of the most moving moments was the discussion on how to achieve a peaceful conscience instead of living with guilt. Many shared how guilt had been a heavy burden and how, through SA’s principles, they began to free themselves from it, finding inner peace.

An Evening of Talent and Community
The night culminated in a talent show, where participants shared music, magic, and personal stories, celebrating progress towards recovery and strengthening community bonds. The day ended with an open sharing session, reflecting on the experiences of the day and solidifying new friendships.

Conclusion: A Commitment to Freedom
The XII Convention of Sexaholics Anonymous in Paipa was more than just an event; it was a
transformative journey toward hope and freedom. Through workshops, meditation, and fellowship, participants rediscovered the power of the SA program and the fellowship. Although the convention lasted only three days, its impact will endure, reminding us that, with support and commitment, freedom is possible.

In a world where addiction can lead to despair, events like this are beacons of light. The Sexaholics Anonymous Fellowship continues to grow and strengthen its bonds, demonstrating that, together, we can find a renewed “Hope For Freedom.” With unity, love, and service, recovery becomes an achievable reality for all who seek a life free from addiction.

Barney R., Colombia

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