Twenty-five Inmates Start Prison SA Meeting

In June 2000, an inmate from the Adrian Temporary Correctional Facility in Adrian, Michigan, USA wrote requesting help in starting an SA group for convicted sex offenders. The Troy, MI group offered to help. Regular mail contact began with two members of SA. Contact was also made with the program director at the Adrian facility. A four-page constitution was provided as well as the name of a local SA sponsor.

In February 2001, an SA program proposal was submitted by the inmates to the Michigan Department of Corrections. By the middle of March all the necessary approvals were received. SA manuals and brochures were provided by the SACFC.

On May 10, outside SA members met with 25 inmates and gave them an overview of SA and how to conduct a meeting. On May 17, three SA members participated in the first SA meeting. The inmates ran the meeting and only needed occasional promptings to conduct a bona fide meeting following the format in the White Book. The sharing and participation by the inmates was worthy of the best SA meetings. After an hour and one-half, fifteen minutes of fellowship followed.

During fellowship one inmate shared that since dealing with his addiction in prison he feels more free while in prison than he ever did before. The inmate who led the meeting had initially considered breaking into smaller groups. But after hearing the open and honest sharing by the inmates, he decided there was too much strength and support in the group to consider breaking up.

We were surprised to learn that there are 23 inmates waiting to get into the SA meeting, which is limited to 25. Is this the largest initial SA meeting? They are certainly off and running. They are meeting every Thursday evening. Outside SA members will join them every third Thursday of the month. Although they certainly don’t need us, we want to meet with them as much as they want us to come.

Keith S. for the SACFC

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