Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader,

With two new brochures (To the Newcomer and SA as a Resource for Professionals), a third one on the way (regarding Lust), and our collections of stories and practical experience in the two volumes of the Quintessential Essay, our Fellowship is entering a new phase of its growth. Our hope is that our literature will pass on the Twelve Step program handed to us. Equally importantly, we will share our collective experience, strength and hope with recovery from sexaholism. Our readers continue to send excellent materials over a range of topics. Thank you!

The ESSAY is available by subscription (four issues) either as individuals ($10/year US) or through your group (10 or more copies are $8/year each USD). You can pay by credit card or check. Enclosed with this issue you will find an envelope and an order form. Please join our growing family of ESSAY reader/contributors!

You can contact us at essay@sa.org or by mail at
PO Box 111910,
Nashville, TN 37222-1910.

Thank you for your support of ESSAY.


ESSAY Editorial Committee

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