What’s Going On in SA

“Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics” (Alcoholics Anonymous, pg. 89).

Service work is the greatest gift you can give another sexaholic. This is the practical application of the Seventh Tradition in its purest form. We give money to keep the facilities going; we give of ourselves to keep the fellowship going.

Several service opportunities are identified in boxes throughout this issue. Central Office would be happy to discuss any of these opportunities with you.

Specifically, the Internet Committee needs the talents of people who understand MySQL and PHP. Work continues on the new site. It will require the ongoing service of members to update and maintain the databases underlying some of the information on the site. If web technology is your talent, please contact Central Office.

The Nominations Committee is looking for a few good members with flexibility, tolerance, vision, and leadership abilities to be Trustees. As it often happens, people of such sterling character do not put themselves forward, or recommend themselves for the job. Very likely, they are already busy with the business of the fellowship at the local level. It is the duty of the local members to notice and point out the needs of the larger fellowship and call those members to service at the international level. One’s local group or intergroup can recommend any member with at least five years continuous SA sobriety to be a candidate for the position of Trustee. That recommendation and a service resume should be sent to Central Office. The Nominations Committee draws from the pool of those qualified candidates to select nominees for vacancies on the Board of Trustees. Your assistance with this selection process would be greatly appreciated.

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2002, Portland, OR

Summary of the main motions passed by the GDA:

  • Approved the request of Northern Indiana groups to move into the North Midwest Region. Any other group or intergroup that has a request should notify Central Office. Regional alignment feedback presented at this Assembly will be forwarded to the Regional Alignment Committee.
  • A new SA website approved with same address: www.sa.org. The site will contain excerpts from the SA brochure; will enable online purchase and donations; will point interested buyers to SA Publications; and will have meeting information.
  • Questions were revised and standardized to be asked of prospective and existing trusted servants at the international level in the capacity of Trustees and committee chairs.
  • Moved that all AA literature, Sexaholics Anonymous, Recovery Continues, Member Stories, and the SA brochure are Fellowship-approved literature.

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