I Have No Control Over My Dreams

In early recovery, sexual dreams were a new and scary experience. Prior to sobriety, I had only experienced one “wet dream.” It occurred early in what turned out to be eleven and half years of celibacy. The only SA program literature available at the time seemed to indicate that these dreams were a loss of sobriety, so I reset my sobriety date each time one occurred. I also began to keep a dream diary each morning and rejoiced when I could record “clean.”

This went on for over two years until someone suggested that instead of being a part of my disease, perhaps these dreams were a sign of my recovery. The relief was overwhelming. I realized that while I hadn’t worked a perfect program, in my conscious state I had been sober for over two years! I let go of trying to control my unconscious state and continued to talk about my sexual dreams at meetings and with my sponsor when they occurred.

God, if I am supposed to learn something from my dreams, please make it clear to me.


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