Take the Next Right Action

My thinking is often confused when I get a lust hit. My fantasy goes on overdrive and I imagine several scenarios that seem very real and possible. Much of this is triggered and supported by emotions that make the fantasies appear reasonable: “Of course she wants me to stop my car, go over and hug her!”

At the moment, in my lust, I don’t see the absurdity in my fantasies. Only when I am away from the triggers can I see the fallacy in my fantasies, and my craziness.

The solution I have found is to not think, but rather to ask, “What is the next right action I should take?” Oddly, the next right action is always very clear to me—call my sponsor, get out of there, get busy with something else, move to where I cannot see the trigger, etc.

Asking myself “What is the next right action?” removes me from fantasy and puts me back in reality. It has often saved my sobriety and my life.

Lord, help me to remember to ask for and to take the next right action.


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