What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2006, St. Louis, MO

  • Two Trustees rotated from service: Dorene S. and Maria G.
    Other Trustees were affirmed for another year of service: Luc B. and Lawrence M.
    Bylaws amended to provide for election of Trustees by 2/3 vote of GDA.
    Three new Trustees elected: John C., Gene J., and Sean R.
  • Moved to task the Trustees to develop a process whereby the Board Chair would give the GDA Chair information pertinent to the Trustee affirmation process 90 days prior to the GDA.
  • Moved that the fellowship have at least one convention annually in the summer, with the possibility of a second one if a host group volunteers in a timely manner.
  • The Hospitals & Institutions (H & I) Committee has written an introductory brochure to help explain to interested Intergroups what the committee does, how it functions, and how they can get started. Members from all areas of the fellowship are needed to spread this message.
  • Although many groups do not specifically note the Quarterly Appeal on their contributions, donations have increased by 20% for the first portion of the year. The Quarterly Appeal will be updated again, after which it will be posted to the delegates list serve, mailed with ESSAY, and uploaded to the SA website in PDF format.
  • Moved to begin the discussion again of group policy regarding the disclosure of potential criminal behavior in SA meetings by putting an article into ESSAY.
  • Revised SA Literature process adopted, with provision for publication of book-­length literature.
  • SA Service Manual adopted and made available for fellowship use. Orders will be processed through SAICO. This description of the service structure of the SA fellowship is made available to members, groups, intergroups, regions, and all service entities at no charge.
  • Andrew S. is elected Vice-Chair of the Delegate Assembly.
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