What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2008, Akron, OH

The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday prior to the July convention in Akron, Ohio. Attendees included 13 Delegates, five Alternates, three Trustees, one representative from SAICO, and several observers.

GDA actions:

  1. Revised meeting schedule to four meetings per year: three teleconferences and one face-to-face meeting at the July convention.
  2. Reviewed Trustee tasks and committee reports:
    • Finance: Approved budget of projected Income of $228,000 and Expenses of $214,350.
    • SACFC: Approved brochure and text for SA website. Approved additional resources for incarcerated persons.
    • COMC: Approved enhancing SA website (sa.org) for better communication. Approved new discount structure for literature: 20% discount on $200+ orders and 30% discount on $500+ orders. Approved increasing SAICO staff pay and benefits to be more in line with prevailing conditions.
    • RAC: Approved format and instructions for fellowship census. Delegates were asked to distribute information.
    • Literature: Step Into Action 8-12 should be ready by mid-October. Translations of literature are in process for Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Netherlands, and Poland. Russian, Spanish, and German translations are currently available.
    • Conventions: Approved new guidelines and financial support for host cities.
    • Internet: Approved idea of major enhancements to sa.org for better communication, for ease of use by conventions, and to be more user friendly. Tech expertise needed, experienced IT volunteers are asked to contact SAICO.
    • International: Great need for native speakers and translators for literature and sponsorship.
    • Structure: Tasked to produce an updated and revised edition of the service manual. Volunteers are welcome.
    • Nominations: Need fellowship help in finding qualified candidates (SA and non-SA) for Trustee positions. Two current Trustee terms expire in July 2009. Please contact your regional Delegate or SAICO for details.


  1. At times, more than one committee is working on a task.
  2. Contact your Delegate if your IG has not yet received the census form.
  3. Forward any questions or comments to your delegate(s) through SAICO.
  4. Topics to be brought to the GDA should come from your group through your region. The written topic should include the Region’s research, considerations, conclusions, recommendations, and reasons.

Larry H., Pittsburgh, PA

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