What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2009, Denver, CO

The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday prior to the July convention in Denver, CO. Attendees included 17 Delegates, six Alternates, nine Trustees, one representative from SAICO, and several observers.

GDA Actions/Reports:

  1. GDA approved a Resolution of Appreciation to Roy K., expressing thanks for his years of contributions to SA. We also received a letter of thanks from Roy to the fellowship. The letters are printed on the following pages.
  2. GDA elected two new Trustees: Betsy T. and Francis H., elected Mike S. as GDA Chair, and elected Steve S. to continue as Vice-Chair.
  3. GDA reviewed Trustee tasks and committee reports. These included:
    • Finance: Income year-to-date through June is up slightly, due to increased literature sales and convention contributions from Nashville 2009. Groups and individual donations are down by about $1,100. GDA approved 2010 budget: projected income of $241,200 and expenses of $241,200.
    • COMC: Approved technology for archiving SA historical documents.
    • Phone Meetings: 300-500 people from 33 countries attend a phone meeting each week. In a recent meeting, a member shared a Step One.
    • RAC: SA fellowship is growing daily, with new members worldwide. We now have 59 Intergroups, 1,474 meetings, and 9,091 members. This is a 2% increase in Intergroups, 60% increase in meetings, and 29% increase in members since 2003. While the GDA was in session, 5 new meetings were reported in Germany and 10 in Poland.
    • Literature: Step into Action is in the process of further editing. Other works in progress include: “Women in SA”; “Is SA for me?”; and “Do you Have a Problem with Pornography or Lust on the Internet?” GDA tasked Literature Committee to study expediting production of new literature.
    • Conventions: GDA formed an ad hoc subcommittee to help draft guidelines for accommodation of religious groups at international conventions.

I would like to thank the fellowship worldwide for your suggestions and feedback. Your input helps us better serve the fellowship and carry the message to all sexaholics. May you continue to find serenity, sobriety, and progressive victory over lust in your life and unity with the fellowship.

Thank you also to Larry H. for your excellent leadership in Chairing the GDA and for your continued service to the SA fellowship.

Mike S., GDA Chair

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