January 2012 International Convention

“Liberty From Self in New York”
January 13 – 15, 2012, Newark, NJ

We in New York are honored to host the upcoming SA/S-Anon International Convention, to be held just over the River in Newark. We chose the conference theme, “Liberty From Self,” because we believe that “self” is our greatest obstacle to recovery. We look forward to hearing members share solutions to that obstacle.

We are also blessed to be located near the home of Bill and Lois Wilson, founders of AA and Al-Anon. We are offering optional tours (for a fee) of their home, “Stepping Stones,” where the original 12&12 was written. Tours will be available on Friday and Sunday afternoons. Please sign up for the tour as early as possible so that we can reserve an adequate number of tour buses.

We want to encourage member participation, and are working hard to accommodate everyone who wants to attend. For more information, visit our website at www.libertyfromself.com. There you will be able to register for the conference, reserve your spot on the tour, and find all hotel registration and other updated information. If you click on the “Contact Us” link, you can ask questions, let us know of any special needs you may have, or apply to do service work. We look forward to seeing you all there!

God Bless,

Alan N., Convention Chair

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