What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2011, Portland, OR

Dear Fellow SA Members:

The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday, July 14-15, prior to the July convention in Portland. Attendees included 13 Delegates, seven Alternates, five Trustees, two Trustee nominees, one representative from SAICO, and several observers. Throughout the meetings, I felt God directing our discussions and decision making. What a gift for this fellowship to be able to let go and let God direct us!

General Delegate Assembly Actions

The GDA:

  • Tasked the Trustees to study overarching questions related to SA and the virtual world.
  • Reaffirmed the current Trustees for another year of service, elected George F. as a new Trustee, re-elected Mike S. for another two years as GDA Chair, and elected Gary L. for two-year term as GDA Vice-Chair. Welcomed four new Delegates: Mike A., Dennis P., Dimitri P., and Nicholas S.
  • Approved 2012 Operating Budget (see “Note from the Finance Committee Chair).
  • Revised the SA Service Manual regarding Procedures for International Convention planning.
  • Tasked the Trustees with implementing a procedure permitting the purchase of all SA literature in electronic format.
  • Tasked the International Convention Committee to study a motion to approve one International Convention per year and encourage regions to have regional conventions opposite the annual International Convention.

More information regarding other reports and concerns discussed at the meeting can be found in the full minutes report, to be published after approval at the October GDA Teleconference. See your Delegate for a copy.

Recognition of Members Rotating Off

The fellowship thanks Steve S. and Laurens A., as they step down as Delegates, for the service they have given to SA over the past few years.

Thank you all for carrying the message and for your suggestions and feedback. Topics to be brought to the GDA should come from your groups through the Region. The written topic should include the Region’s research, considerations, conclusions, reasons, and recommendations.

May you all find miracles wherever you go! May you create miracles wherever you go! May you always look for miracles wherever you go! And never leave before the miracle happens! May you insist on enjoying your life as you progress through lust recovery.

Mike S., GDA Chair

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