What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2012, Nashville, TN

Dear Fellow SA Members:

The General Delegate Assembly met on Thursday and Friday, July 26-27, prior to the July convention. Attendees included Delegates, Alternates, Trustees, Trustee nominees, representatives from SAICO, and observers.

General Delegate Assembly Actions

  • Moved to adopt the budget for 2013 (see “Note from the Finance Committee Chair).
  • Moved to adopt policy for unbudgeted funding requests.
  • Moved to approve $5,500 request from the International committee to support spreading the message overseas.
  • Moved to budget the travel expenses of GDA Chair (or Vice Chair), to attend all Trustee face-to-face meetings.
  • Moved to appoint an ad hoc committee of five people to study the issue of improving communications between the Trustees and bring recommendations back to the GDA in October.
  • Reaffirmed the current Trustees for another year of service. Elected Laura W., Nicholas S., and Mike D. as new Trustees. Welcomed new Delegates: Mike A., Dennis P., Dimitri P., Scott S., Art S., and Francis C.

More information regarding other reports and concerns discussed at the meeting can be found in the full minutes report, to be published after approval at the October GDA Teleconference. See your Delegate for a copy.

Recognition of Members Rotating Off

Retiring Trustees: Dave T., Carlton B. Retiring Delegates: Tony R., Nancy S., Lee W., & Nicholas S. We are grateful to you all for your service.

Requests From the Fellowship

  • Travelers willing to visit meetings outside of North America, and speakers of languages other than English to help with translations.
  • Members to continue faithful donations to help make up shortfall.
  • Readers to help edit drafts of new literature and members to write short prayers and meditations for the meditation book.
  • Members to sponsor inmates by mail or carry the message into a prison.

Thank you all for carrying the message and for your suggestions and feedback. We believe that we are doing what you have asked us to do for the good of and the development of the fellowship. However, we need your input, so please continue to provide feedback.

May God bless you on your journey—and remember to insist on enjoying your journey.

Mike S., GDA Chair

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