Finance Report

Dear SA Fellowship:

Although contributions have been down for the first six months of 2013, we have experienced growth in other areas. Donations from Conventions have been outstanding—particularly for the Atlanta convention. And, although literature sales have been down (because no new literature has been offered), ESSAY subscriptions have grown.

Mindful of the lower contributions from the fellowship this year, we have projected only a small increase for 2014. With our projected expenses, where will the rest of the money come from? SA members around the world have found creative ways to donate. For example:

  • The European and Middle Eastern Region (EMER) instituted a “Gratitude Week” and raised over $2,600 in eight days!
  • Members who attended Conventions this year contributed $11,249.
  • Groups and Intergroups collectively gave (first quarter) $37,122.
  • On-line contributions (first quarter) totaled $2,251.

This kind of creativity and generosity will keep the message of SA circling the world for a long time. When we each take one step in service on our recovery journey, the entire fellowship moves great distances and “Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us” (The Promises, AA 84).

Please consider an extra donation from your group or Intergroup in the coming months.

Carlton B., Finance Committee Chair

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