Camaraderie in the Parking Lot

When I arrived at my regular SA Monday night dinner meeting this week, I found that the restaurant where we usually hold the meeting was closed due to a neighborhood electrical outage. One member drove off, while three of us walked next door to a fast-food place to eat. I was feeling a bit distraught over losing my meeting, but as I walked back to my car around 7 p.m., I saw the meeting! There at the east end of the parking lot—just beyond the purring electric company truck, and beyond the still unlit restaurant—I saw about 15 people. Half of them were sitting on a wall and one guy was facing them, reading “What Is a Sexaholic and What Is Sexual Sobriety?” (SA 202). I was overwhelmed by the camaraderie and by the desire of our members to be together to have a meeting. With gratitude, I walked over to join the group.

As the sun was setting over the nearby freeway, we got to share our experience, strength, and hope with each other. We gave out two chips. Almost everyone noted the special circumstance, and what it meant to them.

By the time the meeting ended, the sun had set, and the parking lot was lit only by a few emergency lights. But many members stayed after the meeting to talk further, as if reluctant to let the meeting end. What a blessing!

Joe A., San Diego, CA

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