Change of Attitude

When I am pushing my way and it’s not going the way I want it to, I stop and pay attention. If there is time, I take a walk in the woods, sit with my back to a tree, feel the ground and the roots for the grounding effect, look at the treetop for the spiritual connection and the trunk for my physical connection.

Sometimes the change in me is immediate, other times it takes longer. Most of the time I sit with a tree my Higher Power shows me that a change in attitude is in order. And if I sit there until I feel the change in my body, the attitude change will “stick” with me.

An example: I was leaving a huge fight with my husband about a trip I wanted to do and he did not approve. I was fighting for my entitlement. It was late. He went to bed, and I sat in the woods until 2 a.m. Feeling the energy come from both the treetop and the ground as I sat, my Higher Power’s guide to attitude change was tremendous. I had to let go of my entitlement. I sat until I could feel it in every cell. I went home and went to bed.

First thing in the morning, I made amends and I still could feel I really believed the change of attitude was mine. When my husband tried to pick up the fight again, I could just say, “I’m sorry!” and I did not get in the fight again. With my change of attitude, the trip worked out anyway, and I was grateful and not at all resentful.

Anonymous, Chicago Convention 2003

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