In Every Issue


One of our friends-in-prison, Raphael S., who has had two articles over the last couple of years in ESSAY, started an SA meeting in Virginia State Prison. He is sponsoring another fellow. It’s meaningful for them to be part of the fellowship although they are incarcerated.

By |2024-08-29T14:02:45-05:00August 5, 2024|Comments Off on SA CFC


Dear ESSAY, we’d love to share the story of our Loving Chair with you all. Jaime Daniel is one of the founders of our group. 12 years ago, he celebrated his 24th anniversary of sobriety in another fellowship where he received a small plastic chair as a gift. He donated that chair to our “La Liberación” group.

By |2024-06-19T15:13:56-05:00June 15, 2024|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

Editor’s Corner

About a year ago, I was asked to invite members to write articles for another ESSAY edition about women in SA. A few months later, talking about it during breakfast at the International Convention in Krakow, Poland, someone suggested that it would be more interesting to make an issue about women and men finding sobriety together. We are all equal in the Fellowship, and we need each other’s fellowship to achieve recovery as the White Book states in its chapter on “Mixed Meetings” (SA 178-179).

By |2024-08-23T11:52:30-05:00June 9, 2024|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner

Discussion Topic

The poignant narrative of Arpita on pages 12-14 underscores that we are all fellow travelers on a spiritual journey who struggle with similar challenges. It’s tempting to attribute our discomfort to the opposite sex, but true insight reveals that the root of addiction lies within ourselves.

By |2024-06-25T13:27:48-05:00June 9, 2024|Comments Off on Discussion Topic


Hi, I'm Karin W., a woman sexaholic, and on 27 June '23, I landed in SA. My sobriety date is Sept 1, 2023. I have a SA in-person home group, attend Zoom SA meetings, work the 12 Steps with a SA sponsor and do SA Correctional Facilities Committee (CFC) service work. Also, I'm committed to 'no' dating or getting into a relationship for a year, minimum. Before SA, I wanted to die.

By |2024-08-23T11:48:50-05:00June 9, 2024|Comments Off on SA CFC