In Every Issue


In response to the previous ESSAY edition, I wanted to share the following. I once asked Roy K. what he boiled recovery down to. He answered without hesitating, looking me right in the eye. "Stay sober, work your steps, and watch what God does."

By |2024-08-23T12:13:25-05:00April 13, 2024|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY


I have been addicted to lust since the age of 14. I was in therapy twice, but I never spoke the truth. I have had several miracle experiences in my life (one really BIG) with my Higher Power, but my HP was judgmental and I feared admitting my addiction to anyone. I tried the white-knuckle method once each year by ridding the computer of porn stash, but I didn’t stop the fantasy and sex with self every day.

By |2024-04-18T13:15:11-05:00April 13, 2024|Comments Off on SA CFC

What’s Going On in SA

The program teaches us that we cannot keep what we do not give away. Step Twelve tells us that service is an integral part of recovery. There are many opportunities for service within the SA Service Structure. These opportunities are all described in the SA Service Manual, available for free download off our website There are opportunities within your local home group, the intergroup that services your home group, the regional assembly that serves your intergroup. Lastly, at the international fellowship-wide level, there are opportunities at the General Delegate Assembly, the Board of Trustees, and their committees. As current chair of the Board of Trustees, I’d like to focus on the Board of Trustees and our Committees and the opportunities for you, the SA Member, to serve.

By |2024-04-14T12:56:50-05:00February 14, 2024|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

Hi readers, and happy reading for 2024! In this month’s issue we remember those members of early SA who have since passed away in sobriety; their example attests to the great strength of our program and to the Grace of a loving God in our lives. Their testimonies don’t speak of religion—we don’t pretend to be religious; rather, they illustrate how trust in a loving God, as understood by each one, can help a bunch of drunks like us to stay sober.

By |2024-04-14T13:03:04-05:00February 14, 2024|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner

Coming Next

The April issue will be focusing on the theme “Courage to Change,” which will be the theme of the upcoming Los Angeles July International Convention. Picking a Convention Theme This Los Angeles fellow describes why the theme “Courage to Change” was chosen and how the convention team is proceeding towards the event.

By |2024-07-03T09:50:53-05:00February 14, 2024|0 Comments


One of the early members of the Correctional Facilities Committee (CFC) was Ray S. from Tucson, Arizona, who is better known in our program as “Tucson Ray.” He started the Sponsors-by-Mail (SbM) program in Arizona by “offering it single-handedly for some seven years.” He developed a format for this outreach to people in prison that is still used today by those who write to men and women in prison.

By |2024-08-23T12:10:39-05:00January 20, 2024|Comments Off on SA CFC