In Every Issue

Discussion Topic

This awesome article describes Jenya’s strong daily program routine which keeps her close to God and life. She goes in great detail to tell us about the tools that have been working for her—even after having moved from her country of origin to the other side of the world. Her recovery program includes daily program calls, calls with her DSR partner, an in-depth feelings diary, taking actions of love, accomplishing tasks, getting up early, structure, connecting with God during the day.

By |2024-04-15T10:47:43-05:00October 4, 2023|Comments Off on Discussion Topic

What’s Going On in SA

I write with gratitude for SA, the guidance of our Higher Power, and the excellent and dedicated work of the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee worked diligently throughout 2022-23 knowing there would be a high number of Trustees rotating off the Board this past July. Needless to say, replacing needed vacancies was a critical challenge. Since April, five Trustee candidates were approved by the Nominations Committee and passed on to the BOT for consideration. All five candidacies were subsequently approved by the Trustees and forwarded to the GDA. Three candidates Gary P., Jack H., and Mathew M. have been GDA approved. Currently, two potential Trustee candidates await GDA interviews. The Nominations Committee continues to actively seek and invite applications for Trustee candidates.

By |2024-02-20T13:36:49-06:00October 2, 2023|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

Hi fellows. In this edition of ESSAY, we look at relapse prevention. “We never knew there was another option—surrender” (SA 84). In this quote from the chapter, “The Third Option” in the SA White Book, Roy K. reveals the key to stopping, and staying stopped! He stayed sober from 1976 until his death in September 2009 by practicing surrender. An oldtimer from Chicago explains that surrender is not some complicated, abstract process; it is simply, “executing the suggestions of the sponsor.”

By |2023-10-17T12:09:24-05:00October 2, 2023|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner


Entering the 2023 IC Cracow hotel I walked straight into the welcoming arms of a Polish fellow who is a regular attendant of the Sponsoring by Mail workshop. First time we met face-to-face. It was meeting a brother. The entire weekend we couldn’t stop smiling when we worked together or bumped into each other. A real connection. All the troubles of traveling by train vanished at that moment, in hindsight.

By |2024-04-18T13:14:49-05:00October 2, 2023|Comments Off on SA CFC

What’s Going On in SA

Board of Trustees: July has been an eventful month for our Trustees. Three Trustees rotated off the Board after having served the fellowship for their full four-year terms; one other was not reaffirmed by the GDA. In the meantime, our Nominations Committee has been busy recruiting and interviewing new Trustee candidates. One new Trustee was approved by the GDA at the Polish Convention in July.

By |2023-08-23T13:07:53-05:00August 11, 2023|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA


Dear Essay, Part of me is a grateful recovering sexaholic. God has kept me sober since 12/17/17, and all I have is today. My sponsor suggested I write this letter, and it’s a great opportunity to reflect on my recovery and God’s work in my life. I am convinced that any success I’ve enjoyed is due to God. The Third Step Prayer says “please take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy power, Thy love and Thy way of life”. My hope and prayer is that the letter bears witness to God and his ability to bring beauty from ashes.

By |2024-08-19T13:50:04-05:00July 21, 2023|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY