December 2003

Sobriety, SA, and the Pursuit of God’s Will

The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer appeared in 1943 to become part of the foundation of the Alcoholics Anonymous Program. This prayer opens our meetings, graces many sobriety chips, and appears in our literature and periodicals over and over. The Serenity Prayer even commonly appears on wall plaques and in cross-stitch panels.

By |2024-12-27T15:07:39-06:00December 26, 2003|Comments Off on The Serenity Prayer

The Evolution of the Norcross Group

We doubled in size last night, from three guys at the first meeting to six guys last night. No newcomers yet, but maybe that’s okay. We need to get a feel for the direction the meetings will go. Just wanted to let you know we planted the seed, and darn thing has already begun to sprout! Now I suppose we should pray for rain?

By |2024-12-27T15:07:36-06:00December 26, 2003|Comments Off on The Evolution of the Norcross Group

Group News

Thanks for asking us how we are doing. We’ve had some struggles getting organized, but have a good site, and a solid core of 3-4. Some of the others with no program experience are beginning to put together some sobriety. Their excitement has been a real boost to me as well. I just celebrated a year, and am grateful for the program!

By |2024-12-27T15:07:31-06:00December 26, 2003|Comments Off on Group News

Sobriety, SA, and the Pursuit of God’s Will

My name is Ted L., and I’m a gratefully recovering sexaholic. They say that God works in mysterious ways, and for me it’s been a doozy! I was 38 years old, and had lived a life of slavery to lust, sex, and myself. I’d been in prison for six years for rape, and was finally beginning to come to terms with the evil I had done in my life. I thought that it would help my parole chances if I could get some kind of program set up at my facility.

By |2024-12-27T15:07:27-06:00December 26, 2003|Comments Off on Sobriety, SA, and the Pursuit of God’s Will