No More Excuses
We have changed our name to Sexaholics Anonymous Correctional Facilities Committee (SACFC). It was felt this name provided a clearer description of the work of the committee.
No More Excuses
We have changed our name to Sexaholics Anonymous Correctional Facilities Committee (SACFC). It was felt this name provided a clearer description of the work of the committee.
I discovered how great the recovery readings are when someone loaned me the 2000, Issue One edition with writings of Jesse L. So, now I want more inspirational recovery reading. Here is my subscription for the ESSAY. Keep up the great work!
Many of you have known and received orders for literature from Barbara, the Empress of Shipping here at Central Office. Barbara decided to retire and take a well-earned rest. We wish her the very best.
Dorene S., ESSAY editor for the last year, has decided to turn to other projects.
Need: Often a sponsee will have a problem that does not readily yield to the sponsor’s efforts or that is outside his or her knowledge or recovery experience or ability to deal with it. In such cases, there can be great wisdom and breakthrough by bringing the issue to a small, select group of trusted members, together, under God.
To All My Fellow SA Members, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you that has reached into his or her pocket to help the Sexaholics Anonymous Correctional Facilities Committee (SACFC). It may not seem like a lot to you, but believe me, for those of us in prison, it can be the only lifesaver we will ever get.
I woke up this morning thanking God. Then I prayed this simple prayer: “God grant that I may love Thee always and follow Thy will. Do with me according to Thy will.” Then I did my daily readings. It wasn’t always that way. Today I’m enjoying over three years of sexual sobriety. But again, it wasn’t always that way….