September 2001

Flirting Was A Real High For Me


I recently received a letter from an inmate in Alabama indicating how pleased he was with his Sponsor-By-Mail. He said other inmates were interested in corresponding with outside SA members. He asked that I send request forms for others in prison to request an SA sponsor from the free world.

By |2025-01-13T12:35:46-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on SA CFC


I recently attended an SA meeting that is not in my regular circuit, due to its time and location. However, I had directed a newcomer there and thought that as I had the day off from work, I would make the effort to meet up with him.

By |2025-01-13T12:35:41-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

Editors’ Corner

The ESSAY strives to be a source of experience, strength, and hope to sexaholics as one part of our Fellowship’s Twelfth Step work. The ESSAY is also a source of information about Fellowship activities and needs. The ESSAY is issued four times per year. Expanding the ESSAY’s circulation will also expand the range of articles, letters to the editor, and special sections to benefit our readers.

By |2025-01-13T12:35:38-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

SA Loners Committee

Dear Kay at SA Central Office: Just wanted to send you a quick note and express my gratitude to you. You encouraged me to attend the SA Today meeting during the SA Conference and to speak about the SA Loners Committee. I was approached by two people after the SA Today meeting; there will be 2 new members added to the Loners lists as a result of these two people hearing me talk!

By |2025-01-13T12:35:34-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on SA Loners Committee

Twenty-five Inmates Start Prison SA Meeting

In June 2000, an inmate from the Adrian Temporary Correctional Facility in Adrian, Michigan, USA wrote requesting help in starting an SA group for convicted sex offenders. The Troy, MI group offered to help. Regular mail contact began with two members of SA. Contact was also made with the program director at the Adrian facility. A four-page constitution was provided as well as the name of a local SA sponsor.

By |2025-01-13T12:35:30-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on Twenty-five Inmates Start Prison SA Meeting

To the Newcomer

The Tucson SA Fellowship approved the enclosed statement for local use with newcomers. In fact, we have printed it on the back of our Step 1 Guide, which we give to newcomers along with the SA brochure. We thought you might like to report this development and/or print the entire statement in the ESSAY.

By |2025-01-22T12:28:22-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on To the Newcomer

A Little Prayer

God grant me the sobriety to seek the truth from you; the faith to trust the answer; and the strength to follow through.

By |2025-01-13T12:35:22-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on A Little Prayer

Do I Surrender?

Hi all: I’ve been overwhelmed with “life” lately, so I haven’t responded to many topics. This one — surrender — caught my eye. Surrender is an impossibility. Asking me to “surrender” makes as much sense as asking me to stop breathing. Running rampant is a natural state for me.

By |2025-01-13T12:35:18-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on Do I Surrender?

Flirting Was a Real High for Me

When I was a little girl about five years old, I remember sitting on my grandfather’s lap and combing his hair. It gave me such happy, good feelings. My grandfather died when I was seven. I had trouble in school from that time on. I couldn’t concentrate, I would daydream, and I had headaches. I was a very lonely child after I lost that special relationship. I didn’t know how to get that love from anyone else, so I comforted myself in my fantasies where I was a fairy princess and my Prince Charming would come and carry me off.

By |2025-01-13T12:35:14-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on Flirting Was a Real High for Me