September 2013

Rocketed Into a Fourth Dimension

Dealing with Death in Recovery

I’m Ken, a sexaholic. With the grace of my Higher Power, the Twelve Step program of recovery, the fellowship of SA, a caring and loving sponsor, and a loving and supportive wife, I’ve been sexually sober since December 1, 2007.

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In Training

I had been in SA for about a year and was working on my Third Step when I was scheduled to be sent to the other side of the country for a year of training with my religious community. Because this training year is very structured, I did not want to go (my disease hates structure). I spent five or six months wishing the training would be cancelled.

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Twenty-Five Years, One Day at a Time

Early on in my sobriety adventure with Sexaholics Anonymous, I heard the expression “One day at a time.” At the time my marriage was on the line and my acting out had caused me a lot of trouble. I wanted to be free from this sexaholic life for more than one day!

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How SA Found Me

I’m Bob H., a Class A (non-SA) Trustee, elected by the GDA in July 2010. I currently serve as Trustee Chair. I would like to share some of my journey as well as how I came to serve the SA fellowship.

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Rocketed Into a Fourth Dimension

My name is L.A. and my sobriety date is August 19, 2000. One of my favorite passages in the literature is a quote from the Big Book: “We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed. …

By |2024-07-30T13:05:07-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on Rocketed Into a Fourth Dimension