Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “SA At 40 Years!” We have sixteen extra pages in this issue with a broad-brush review of the origin, growth, structure, and some significant SA personalities upon whose shoulders we stand today. For which, as one member says, we can never be sufficiently grateful.

By |2024-04-14T14:03:58-05:00August 10, 2019|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Open Mindedness.” Our next issue in August 2019 will focus on SA At 40 Years! Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with SA At 40 Years! Future topics are October, 2019: Freedom Behind Bars; December, 2019 “Miracles In Recovery” Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org

By |2024-04-21T14:56:20-05:00May 12, 2019|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Sobriety and Relationships.” Our next issue in May 2019 will focus on “Open Mindedness.” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with Open Mindedness in sobriety. Future topics are August, 2019: SA At 40 Years! October, 2019: Prison Issue. Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org

By |2024-04-21T14:59:07-05:00February 15, 2019|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Service Work As A Gift.” Our next issue in February will focus on “Sobriety and Relationships;” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with Relationships in sobriety. Future topics are listed on the previous page. Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org

By |2024-04-21T15:01:11-05:00December 16, 2018|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Humility: Being Right Sized.” Your next issue in December will focus on “Service Work as a Gift.” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with Service Work! Future topics are: February, 2019: Sobriety and Relationships; May, 2019: Open-mindedness. Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org

By |2024-04-21T15:03:32-05:00October 18, 2018|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Traditions: Relating with Others.” Your next issue in October will focus on “Humility: Being Right Sized.” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with Humility! Future topics are: December, 2018: Service Work as a Gift; February, 2019: Sobriety and Relationships; May, 2019: Open-mindedness. Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org

By |2024-04-21T15:05:48-05:00August 19, 2018|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on Anonymity. The next issue in August will focus on the Twelve Traditions using the theme Relating with Others. Send in any stories or short articles on a Tradition that affects you. Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org!

By |2024-04-21T15:07:46-05:00May 19, 2018|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on The Hand of SA Reaches Out. As of late January there were about 1,758 downloads (about 800 views) of the newly free June Essay, 1,084 (about 500 views) of September, and 1,590 downloads (about 750 views) of December to date. Our desire to be a global Meeting in Print is well underway. Let your groups know Essay is available!

By |2024-05-09T11:51:39-05:00February 8, 2018|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on SA and Technology. As of late November there were about 9,000 downloads and over 1130 views of the newly free electronic June Essay. The September Essay has 2600 downloads and 840 views to date. Our desire to be a global Meeting in Print is well underway.

By |2024-05-14T10:55:47-05:00December 13, 2017|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers: This issue of Essay includes many stories on Willing to Go to Any Length. You may have heard the expression “Sexaholics Anonymous is for those who want it — not for those who need it.” Your Editors hope these stories can be helpful for those who want it anywhere in the world. As of early August there were about 5,000 downloads of the newly free electronic Essay. Our desire to be a global Meeting in Print is well underway.

By |2024-05-20T16:21:17-05:00September 16, 2017|Comments Off on Editors’ Corner