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A Simple Glance

During the summer of 2005, I took a week’s vacation with my wife. While there, I experienced some difficulty in dealing with the mass of bodies, often partially dressed or dressed in a way which I found provocative. Coming home to a normal way of life was a relief, a liberation.

By |2024-09-17T14:16:11-05:00March 17, 2006|Comments Off on A Simple Glance

Sobriety is God’s Gift To Me

“Sobriety is God’s gift to me, and I have to do something with it.” I spoke those words in a dream. Upon waking, my entire mind was focused on that one statement. With that one thought, my entire view of recovery has changed. Now I see that each day God offers me a gift of sobriety. He wants me to be sober. All I have to do is choose to accept it.

By |2024-09-17T14:15:47-05:00March 16, 2006|Comments Off on Sobriety is God’s Gift To Me

From Guru to Grateful

As a teenager, I was pushed into treatment. I learned about Twelve Step programs there and worked my way through Step Five, but it was only the barest of beginnings and I really didn’t understand how the Steps worked. I loved the program, the history, the meetings, the instant friends everywhere, and the fellowship. I took on many service jobs. My understanding of recovery was to go to lots of meetings, participate in the fellowship, and have fun.

By |2024-09-17T14:14:28-05:00March 16, 2006|Comments Off on From Guru to Grateful

Terminal Uniqueness

I can now see how my sexaholism isolated me from family, friends, workers, and employers in the past. I found fault with them in my “terminal uniqueness.” Nobody had a story like mine; therefore, I could not relate to anyone else. In the end, all I had was my sexaholism.

By |2024-09-20T12:17:50-05:00December 18, 2005|Comments Off on Terminal Uniqueness

Lust Unclothed

The other night I had a dream which stripped my lust of its pastel pink and purple euphemisms. I have avoided the word lust in my litany—preferring to tell myself that I crave “an affair of the heart”—further dressed up by such phrases as “out of my deep loneliness and chronic disconnection from others, I have sought soul mates, persons to join me in (at worst) the warmth of romantic fervor.”

By |2024-09-19T11:39:33-05:00December 18, 2005|Comments Off on Lust Unclothed

Sometimes Slowly

Before recovery I would go to any lengths to get my way. I would lie, cheat, steal and manipulate to get what I thought I needed. I was even willing to work hard to get my desired outcome. But once I got what I wanted, I soon began to want something else.

By |2024-09-19T11:39:20-05:00December 18, 2005|Comments Off on Sometimes Slowly

What If?

What if you never had to act out sexually again?

By |2024-09-19T11:39:07-05:00December 18, 2005|Comments Off on What If?

A New Freedom

I acted out. I practiced hard at it. I started at a young age. I lived my life in fear and fantasy. I did not know how to live in the real world. I wanted to be any place but “here.” Fantasy would take me over “there.” I acted out to feel better; I liked it, and I pursued it to the gates of insanity and death.

By |2024-09-19T11:39:03-05:00December 18, 2005|Comments Off on A New Freedom


Although I had finally gotten sober for several months, I was still very disturbed by old resentments and fears, and was dragging my feet on the Step I was supposedly working on. One day, after expressing frustration over my stagnation to my sponsor, he suggested that if I did some sort of service it would raise the ante in my program.

By |2024-09-24T15:08:39-05:00September 20, 2005|Comments Off on Service