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Victory Over Victimhood

My first sexual experience was with my uncle when I was nine years old. This grew into a full-blown homosexual relationship that lasted until I was eighteen. When it began, I was starved for acceptance and love, and I needed to feel wanted. When he chose me, I felt special.

By |2024-09-24T15:15:19-05:00June 23, 2005|Comments Off on Victory Over Victimhood

Suggestions for Working Step Three

When I first read this Step in the White Book I thought it was the simplest of the Twelve. After all, it’s only a “decision.” I figured the Step would take me all of five minutes, mirroring the experience described in the personal story “Flooded With Feeling” in Alcoholics Anonymous.

By |2024-09-24T15:31:06-05:00March 24, 2005|Comments Off on Suggestions for Working Step Three

Addicted to an Attitude

I am addicted to an attitude. This is very different than being hooked on something that is outside my body, like drugs or alcohol. I am powerless over an attitude that involves instincts other than my sexual instinct.

By |2024-09-24T15:23:35-05:00March 24, 2005|Comments Off on Addicted to an Attitude

Step Ten Every Day

Every morning while the water is heating for my coffee, I write in the notebook I always carry in my pocket. This is in the form of a personal letter to God on the following topics: my feelings, how I am doing, and what I am harboring.

By |2024-09-24T15:23:31-05:00March 24, 2005|Comments Off on Step Ten Every Day

Isolation Kills

In my addiction, I isolated. No real friends. No real connections.

By |2024-09-24T15:23:16-05:00March 24, 2005|Comments Off on Isolation Kills


Why do I do things the hard way? For example, the other day I was lying awake in bed and kept slipping into a sexually explicit fantasy. I would catch myself, stop, pray, find myself slipping back into it again, catch myself, stop, pray, and so on.

By |2024-09-24T15:23:06-05:00March 24, 2005|Comments Off on Promptly

Sexaholic at Ten Years Old

I believe I was a sexaholic at ten years old. I remember at that age undressing the girls in my classroom with my eyes. In my mind the girls were nothing more than robots.

By |2024-09-24T15:22:56-05:00March 24, 2005|Comments Off on Sexaholic at Ten Years Old