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Lust Is Not Getting Better?

The sexaholic on the telephone was palpably discouraged. “My lust does not seem to be getting better,” he said. “I still want to type sexual search terms into my computer. I find myself fantasizing about contacting women I’ve seen. Why doesn’t my lusting get better?”

By |2024-08-25T14:40:09-05:00June 21, 2017|Comments Off on Lust Is Not Getting Better?

SA Meeting “Renaissance” in Washington, D.C.

SA members in Washington, D.C., are celebrating the 25th anniversary of an SA meeting that opened its doors in November, 1991, and has met weekly at the same location ever since, Capitol Hill United Methodist (CHUM). Members are grateful for the Friday evening meeting that sets a spiritual tone at the end of the work week with the SA program and Steps.

By |2024-06-03T16:20:15-05:00March 23, 2017|Comments Off on SA Meeting “Renaissance” in Washington, D.C.

Nashville SA — Our Story of Growth

Recently we had 80 people attending our Saturday morning meeting. Tears of joy welled in my eyes recalling the first meeting I attended over 32 years ago. There were only two of us. After the meeting my mind reviewed the activities we used that led us today to having at least 49 meetings a week in our area.

By |2024-05-24T13:29:21-05:00March 23, 2017|Comments Off on Nashville SA — Our Story of Growth

SA Growth

In 1988 there were SA meetings in Germany, Washington D.C., Simi Valley and the LA area, San Diego, Nashville, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, Portland (Oregon), Seattle, Chicago, New York City, Boston, St. Louis, Rochester, and a few other cities. At that time Nashville had six meetings per week, which we believe was the most per capita in the world! Today SA has meetings around the world, on all continents except Antarctica.

By |2024-05-24T13:29:12-05:00March 23, 2017|Comments Off on SA Growth

Stopping Myself, Not!

I’m a sexaholic which means I’m powerless over lust and lust will always win the battle if I try to stop my diseased mind from lusting. Powerlessness means the battle is already lost. There is no point in trying to struggle any longer. I have nothing left to do but unconditional surrender.

By |2024-05-24T13:29:02-05:00March 23, 2017|Comments Off on Stopping Myself, Not!

Spiritual Connection and Lust in Marriage

When I went through my first 90-day abstinence period, my sponsor suggested that one purpose for this abstinence was to discover that sex was totally optional. My wife and I have done several abstinence periods, from 45 to 90 days. Each experience brought a deeper understanding about ourselves and this disease.

By |2024-08-25T14:43:39-05:00March 23, 2017|Comments Off on Spiritual Connection and Lust in Marriage

Опыт Участия в Российском Конвенте 2016 Года

Всем привет, я сексоголик Галина из Украины! Когда прислали письмо с предложением поделиться о конвенте, я с радостью загорелась этой идеей, но спустя время начала сомневаться, есть ли мне чем поделиться, есть у меня вообще способность излагать свои мысли? Страшно, но все же пробую сделать действия и пойти навстречу страху.

By |2024-06-22T22:09:55-05:00December 11, 2016|Comments Off on Опыт Участия в Российском Конвенте 2016 Года

November 2016 Russian Convention Report

Hello all, I’m Galina, a sexaholic from Ukraine! When they sent me the letter inviting me to share about the conference, the idea excited me, but over time I began to doubt myself. Did I have anything to share? Was I even capable of explaining my thoughts? It’s scary, but I’ll try to take the action and face my fear.

By |2024-08-26T15:05:43-05:00December 11, 2016|Comments Off on November 2016 Russian Convention Report

Joy and Recovery in Moscow

In November of this year I was invited to attend the SA Convention “Our Primary Purpose” in Moscow, Russia to share my experience strength and hope with the fellowship there. This was the sixth national convention, held again this year at a facility in the very center of Moscow.

By |2024-06-20T13:09:39-05:00December 11, 2016|Comments Off on Joy and Recovery in Moscow