Featured Article

Ireland Celebrates 20 Years of Conventions

This year, from small beginnings, SA in Ireland is celebrating 20 years of Irish Conventions since its first convention in October 1996. This follows the sobriety of our longest serving member, Robert L. We now have three all-Ireland conventions per year, in spring (Esker), summer (Dublin) and in fall (Ballyvaloo).

By |2024-06-18T16:37:25-05:00June 18, 2016|Comments Off on Ireland Celebrates 20 Years of Conventions

Ceased Fighting

My name is Tom M. I have been in recovery and sober since December 2007. Recently I had a phase when many things bothered me. I was mad at people at work, my wife’s requests didn’t make sense to me, things at church annoyed me, and the list went on and on.

By |2024-07-16T18:05:20-05:00June 18, 2016|Comments Off on Ceased Fighting

Warm Weather Challenges

I like that SA is a mixed group. However, sometimes as a woman I feel there are double standards in SA around how to dress in meetings, especially as the weather gets warmer.

By |2024-08-26T15:12:14-05:00June 18, 2016|Comments Off on Warm Weather Challenges

Warm Weather Phone Message

Hey, this is ___. I am calling because I am disturbed right now. I just left a message with my sponsor and he did not answer. I am calling until I get somebody live. No matter what, I need to talk about it. I am on campus while my girlfriend is in class. There was an angry street preacher here today and, of course, there were crowds yelling back and forth with him. I wanted to watch, but really I was just using this situation to lust.

By |2024-06-18T16:37:01-05:00June 18, 2016|Comments Off on Warm Weather Phone Message

Is There No Exception?

My name is Brad and I am a sexaholic. When I say “I am a sexaholic,” I am admitting that I belong to a class of people for whom lust has become an addiction. I have finally accepted the truth that whenever my behavior is driven by an attitude of lust, there will almost certainly be consequences, pain, and humiliation. There is no exception to this reality.

By |2024-06-18T16:36:39-05:00June 18, 2016|Comments Off on Is There No Exception?

A Founder of SA in Australia is Remembered

One of the co-founders of SA in my city Melbourne, Australia, died in May, 2015. John, along with myself and another member started SA here in December 1992. Our first meeting was us three with a White Book in a public park.

By |2024-06-18T16:36:23-05:00June 18, 2016|Comments Off on A Founder of SA in Australia is Remembered

Russian Convention Moscow 2015: Three Personal Stories

The 5th convention of Sexaholics Anonymous was held in Moscow with the theme “The 4th Dimension of Existence.” Participants were from Ukraine, Belorussia, UK, Germany, USA, Iran and Russia. There were about 70 registered participants: 50 men and 20 women.

By |2024-08-26T15:15:26-05:00March 19, 2016|Comments Off on Russian Convention Moscow 2015: Three Personal Stories

San Diego 2016 Convention Reflections

The recent 2016 SA International Convention in San Diego, California was my first experience of such a gathering. My first years of SA consisted mostly of phone meetings, working with a phone sponsor and attending lots of other recovery group meetings face to face.

By |2024-06-21T12:49:44-05:00March 19, 2016|Comments Off on San Diego 2016 Convention Reflections

SA Talks to “Johns”

Recently I had the great good fortune to speak at a joint women’s shelter / District Attorney’s program for men arrested in prostitution stings. They don’t want to be there.

By |2024-06-21T12:49:40-05:00March 19, 2016|Comments Off on SA Talks to “Johns”

Thirty Years Sober: Still Surrendering Fantasy

It was July 31, 2015, and I was in the shower. Without warning, in the space of about a minute and a half, three different lust images came through my thoughts. Soon after I let the first one go—20 or 30 seconds later—here came another! Soon after I let that one go, there was a third!

By |2024-06-21T12:49:36-05:00March 19, 2016|Comments Off on Thirty Years Sober: Still Surrendering Fantasy