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Kiwis Hold First National Conference

The first SA/S-Anon New Zealand Conference was held on November 9, 2013 in Auckland. Attendees came from the New Zealand cities of Christchurch, Auckland, and Napier, plus some members from “across the ditch” in Australia. A good 24 people were present with equal numbers of SA and S-Anon members.

By |2024-07-17T10:26:04-05:00December 28, 2013|Comments Off on Kiwis Hold First National Conference

EMER Convention Draws 150 to Warsaw

EMER held its first Regional Convention in Warsaw, Poland last October 25-27, with great results! We had approximately 152 participants, including 125 SA members (116 men and nine women) and 27 members of S-Anon. Of these, 117 participants were from Poland and 35 from other places in the world.

By |2024-07-17T10:25:55-05:00December 28, 2013|Comments Off on EMER Convention Draws 150 to Warsaw

Arrest and Surrender

“Arrest and surrender in order to be set free—what a paradox!” (SA 83) Thus began my story of recovery on April 7, 1989, when my secret life lived in bondage to lust was shattered by an actual arrest, the resulting publicity, and the necessity of facing the literal question of whether to live or die.

By |2024-07-17T10:25:46-05:00December 27, 2013|Comments Off on Arrest and Surrender

Uselessness and Self-Pity Will Disappear

Every person in recovery is different; every person in recovery is the same. That’s my conclusion after being among many fellow addicts in all stages of recovery. Unfortunately, I spent years stuck in the “white chip” stage of recovery—referring to the poker chip that many Twelve Step members pick up when starting or renewing the program.

By |2024-07-17T10:25:32-05:00December 27, 2013|Comments Off on Uselessness and Self-Pity Will Disappear

Surprised by Peace and Joy

My name is Marie W., I’m a sexaholic, and my sobriety date is August 20, 2005. I came into SA because I was afraid I would die if I didn’t. I had started including self-inflicted pain in my acting-out behaviors. Today, because of SA, I’m learning to let go of old behaviors and replace them with healthy ones.

By |2024-09-09T14:12:40-05:00December 27, 2013|Comments Off on Surprised by Peace and Joy

In the Hands of My Higher Power

My descent into addiction closely parallels the development of the Internet. In 1992, Newsweek featured a cover story highlighting this developing phenomenon. Around the same time, my employer gave us Internet access, and I started reading erotic stories online.

By |2024-07-30T13:04:34-05:00December 27, 2013|Comments Off on In the Hands of My Higher Power

Greetings from Iran

Dear SA Fellowship: I am an SA woman living in Iran. The typical Iranian, it seems, has great difficulty understanding lust addiction and believing in SA’s program of recovery, and this can be even more difficult for women.

By |2024-09-09T14:16:29-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on Greetings from Iran

English-Speaking SA Returns to Tokyo

I came to my first SA meeting while living in Tokyo back in 2002. Soon after, I moved back to the US, where I was in and out of SA for a few years. When I was relocated back to Tokyo in 2008, I was out of control again. I returned to the space where we used to meet, but no one was there. I was told the meeting had died off a few years earlier.

By |2024-07-17T11:06:39-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on English-Speaking SA Returns to Tokyo

Dealing With Resentment

Recently, an incident that occurred in a therapy group I attend that left me feeling resentful toward one of the group members. He had called me a “dry drunk.” I needed to work my program in order to address my resentment.

By |2024-07-17T11:06:25-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on Dealing With Resentment

Dealing with Death in Recovery

I’m Ken, a sexaholic. With the grace of my Higher Power, the Twelve Step program of recovery, the fellowship of SA, a caring and loving sponsor, and a loving and supportive wife, I’ve been sexually sober since December 1, 2007.

By |2024-07-17T11:06:11-05:00September 28, 2013|Comments Off on Dealing with Death in Recovery