
A Sexaholic Fell into a Pit

One day a sexaholic out walking alone fell into a pit. The pit was deep. As much as he tried, the sexaholic couldn’t get out. He tried to jump up and to climb up, but this proved useless. He was stuck in the pit with no apparent way out.

By |2024-08-06T16:17:39-05:00May 15, 2020|Comments Off on A Sexaholic Fell into a Pit

Humor For SA

I got married twice before finding my way into Sexaholics Anonymous. I thought those marriages would save me but my best thinking got me divorced.

By |2024-08-19T13:50:55-05:00February 21, 2020|Comments Off on Humor For SA

Humor For SA

When we issue the revised edition of “Recovery Continues,” I suggest “Recovery Continues Continuing.”

By |2024-04-14T14:03:53-05:00August 10, 2019|Comments Off on Humor For SA

Humor For SA

A Polish SA meeting suggests that we might work Tradition 5 with a man-on-the-street approach. Słuźby is Polish for “service.”

By |2024-04-21T15:01:06-05:00December 16, 2018|Comments Off on Humor For SA

Humor For SA

A sexaholic is energetically doing chores around the house and yard. The partner knows from experience that this behavior is probably “chore-play.”

By |2024-05-09T12:13:54-05:00October 18, 2018|Comments Off on Humor For SA

Humor For SA

There is no “I” in Team — and there is a “we” and “I” in weird.

By |2024-04-21T15:05:43-05:00August 19, 2018|Comments Off on Humor For SA

Humor For SA

Some SA Acronyms: ODAAT - One Day At A Time

By |2024-04-21T15:07:41-05:00May 19, 2018|Comments Off on Humor For SA

Humor For SA

Do you find yourself wanting to be vague about your sobriety date? The endgame strategy of choice is to say “I am grateful to be sober today.” It allows you to be the mysterious humble one in the meeting without giving an actual sobriety date.

By |2024-05-13T14:22:04-05:00February 8, 2018|Comments Off on Humor For SA

Humor For SA

Are you on a telephone call that’s starting to go on too long or veer into unwanted subjects? The endgame strategy of choice is to begin talking about a Step — any Step, 1 through 12, will do. The conversation will usually end within a minute.

By |2024-05-14T10:55:42-05:00December 13, 2017|Comments Off on Humor For SA