Siła Wyższa wezwała mnie poprzez SA
Urodziłem się w Nikaragui. Moi rodzice rozwiedli się, gdy byłem małym dzieckiem. Do około ósmego roku życia wychowywałem się na wsi, pod okiem dziadków ze strony matki.
Urodziłem się w Nikaragui. Moi rodzice rozwiedli się, gdy byłem małym dzieckiem. Do około ósmego roku życia wychowywałem się na wsi, pod okiem dziadków ze strony matki.
Sono nato in Nicaragua. I miei genitori hanno divorziato quando ero piccolo. Sono stato cresciuto dai miei nonni materni in campagna fino a circa 8 anni. Quando avevo circa 6 o 7 anni, sono stato abusato sessualmente da due uomini adulti che erano vicini di casa.
Je suis né au Nicaragua. Mes parents ont divorcé lorsque j'étais bébé. J'ai été élevé par mes grands-parents maternels à la campagne jusqu'à l'âge de 8 ans. Vers l'âge de 6 ou 7 ans, j'ai été abusé sexuellement par deux hommes adultes qui étaient mes voisins.
I was born in Nicaragua. My parents divorced when I was a baby. I was raised by my maternal grandparents in the countryside until about 8 years old. When I was around 6 or 7 years old, I was sexually abused by two adult men who were neighbors.
There’s a saying, "Recovery is peace and serenity in the midst of the storm." And Priscilla has known many storms. Today, after more than 30 years of sexual sobriety, she has tools to stay the course during storms.
I’ve been sober since January 7, 2023. That day I took a flight to South Africa (SA), so I literally traveled to a new life since then. God has an amazing sense of humor!
I started coming to Sexaholics Anonymous at the beginning of 2019. I had experience in other recovery fellowships, so I already trusted the 12-Step approach. Thanks to AA, my father got sober for the first time in his life in 1995, and even though he had relapsed before he passed away, I already knew for sure that the Program worked.
How does one become an oldtimer? It is very simple. Stay sober one day at a time, and do not die. Everything else is detail.
I am Lina, SA, sober since 2010, Mexico City. I was born in 1968. I only stopped taking a bottle when I was 6 years old. As a result, I was the subject of mockery at home. I remember my house made of tin, and a dirt floor; we had scarce resources and many financial needs. I was the last of 8 siblings in addition to being a girl with a stomach disease.
My name is David, I am a sexaholic. And by the grace of my Higher Power, my sobriety date is August 2, 1988, for which I can never be sufficiently grateful. That credit goes to my Higher Power, that's for sure. I was sitting at dinner and was figuring it's been thirty-one years, five months, and eight days. And every one of those in their own way has been a miracle. And that's a little bit of what I'd like to share tonight. I was told after my first year of sobriety that it keeps getting better. And that has been the simple description of my experience in Sexaholics Anonymous, that it keeps getting better.