SA Stories

My Experience with Sober Dating

I have been an SA member for 14 years. I came to my local area SA in its infancy. I have served in Intergroup, and, with the help of some dedicated members, helped to start three groups in my area.

By |2024-08-11T02:29:47-05:00June 11, 2007|Comments Off on My Experience with Sober Dating

Keep Coming Back

I came into SA hoping it would save my marriage. I thought it was going well, but my wife said she needed some space, that my just being in the house was a constant reminder, and that our children didn’t see that I was having any consequences for my misbehavior.

By |2024-08-11T02:28:07-05:00June 9, 2007|Comments Off on Keep Coming Back

Three Steps to Surrender: From Excommunication to Reconciliation

I have always been active in my chosen religion since my baptism at the age of 18, even though I was an active sexaholic of varying degrees before and throughout my 35-plus years of church membership. For a while I even served as a bishop, an unpaid clergyman equivalent to a pastor in other churches. All that changed a little over 27 months ago, when I was excommunicated from the church as a result of my addiction.

By |2024-08-11T02:27:38-05:00June 9, 2007|Comments Off on Three Steps to Surrender: From Excommunication to Reconciliation

A Home for My Spirit

How did I—a nice, self-respecting recovering alcoholic with more than 14 years of sobriety—find myself sitting in a meeting with a bunch of lowly sexaholics? After all, I had worked the Steps many times. I sponsored several men. I had never lied to my AA sponsors.

By |2024-08-26T14:57:21-05:00March 24, 2007|Comments Off on A Home for My Spirit

The Face, Hands, Voice of God

I attended family counseling for six years; my wife was crazy and she wasn’t getting any better. Did it have anything to do with the fact that I was having several simultaneous affairs? I was a respected professional in a small town. Some of the women were my clients. This was in violation of the ethics of my profession and whatever ethics I might have thought I had for my marriage.

By |2024-09-17T13:44:00-05:00December 11, 2006|Comments Off on The Face, Hands, Voice of God

Making Amends

I have amends to make to some people. A few years ago, I abused four women, and I hurt two others for terribly selfish reasons. The four women were prostitutes. They were working in that abusive industry here in my own locality. Two were on the street, one was listed in the classified ads, and one worked in a “studio,” a sanitized name for a brothel.

By |2024-09-17T14:05:16-05:00September 12, 2006|Comments Off on Making Amends

A Place of Peace

Six years ago my life was a sewage pit of porn, masturbation, promiscuity, homosexuality, bestiality, incest, and dozens of other things I thought I absolutely needed to get through the day. I would get sick of what I was doing. My wife and my boss threatened me. I would swear that I’d never do it again. And yet, despite my best intentions, my best efforts, within days (or at most weeks), I was back doing the same things again and again.

By |2024-09-17T14:10:09-05:00June 13, 2006|Comments Off on A Place of Peace

From Guru to Grateful

As a teenager, I was pushed into treatment. I learned about Twelve Step programs there and worked my way through Step Five, but it was only the barest of beginnings and I really didn’t understand how the Steps worked. I loved the program, the history, the meetings, the instant friends everywhere, and the fellowship. I took on many service jobs. My understanding of recovery was to go to lots of meetings, participate in the fellowship, and have fun.

By |2024-09-17T14:14:28-05:00March 16, 2006|Comments Off on From Guru to Grateful

A New Freedom

I acted out. I practiced hard at it. I started at a young age. I lived my life in fear and fantasy. I did not know how to live in the real world. I wanted to be any place but “here.” Fantasy would take me over “there.” I acted out to feel better; I liked it, and I pursued it to the gates of insanity and death.

By |2024-09-19T11:39:03-05:00December 18, 2005|Comments Off on A New Freedom

Second Time Around

I stood in disbelief. The computer screen had three emails from women at work that I was acting out with. My wife was crying, asking me, “Why?” I was in shock. I stood there physically present, but emotionally far, far away. I was numb to my feelings, to my life, and to myself.

By |2024-09-24T14:59:30-05:00September 20, 2005|Comments Off on Second Time Around