
Sponsorship Is the Best Relapse Prevention

I met my sponsor at an online SA meeting that I had never before attended. The fact that both I and my future sponsor decided to join that same meeting on the same day is evidence of my Higher Power’s love for me. Meeting him came at a time when I felt alone and disconnected, longing to feel loved and understood by my Higher Power.

By |2023-10-18T11:05:02-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on Sponsorship Is the Best Relapse Prevention

Half Measures Availed Me Nothing

Trying to control my sexual lust is like trying to predict the weather. Sometimes I can do it successfully. However, most of the time, I fail miserably. Lust is cunning so I end up fooling myself into thinking that I can control it. The measure of my success in controlling lust is the measure of my self-deception that I am able to control it. If I go for an evening without acting out, I magnify it so that it looks like a major breakthrough in my battle against this cunning, baffling, and powerful disease.

By |2023-10-18T11:06:02-05:00October 6, 2023|Comments Off on Half Measures Availed Me Nothing

Essential Helps for Maintaining a Positive Sobriety

There are three essential things that help me be sober. The first is a commitment to surrender every single lust temptation to my Higher Power. The second thing is to associate myself with the SA fellowship at every opportunity. I do this with regular communication with my sponsor, phone calls and meetings with SA members, and constant study of SA literature.

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