Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers,

Our Fellowship continues to attract more and more young people from all over the world—men and women who learn from the experience of those who have gone before them and do not have to descend so deep in the bottomless abyss of the addiction. You can devour their stories under the heading “Young & Sober in SA.”

Essay launches a fun, international recovery tool on April 4, called “The Game.” It is a proven way to establish new habits in 30 days. Read all about “The Game” on pages 10-11.

Relish how a US member works his program on his yoga mat; follow how a Canadian fellow did 90 meetings in 90 days in order to obtain the needed shift in attitude; marvel at how SA sobriety is growing in Kenya; and get inspired by the story how Australia got its first ever SA program in a prison.

In fellowship,

The Editorial Team

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