Time / Dear Abby


Time April 22, 1974 - The New Alcoholism

This magazine cover presented Roy K. with the possibility that for his sexual acting out there might be hope in a 12 Step program:

“…in 1974, I went to the mailbox and found the April 22nd issue of Time magazine. Its cover story was on The New Alcoholism. …I went to my first meeting that night. That’s how I discovered that the AA program of recovery for alcoholics would work for a sex drunk. And I was just as hopeless a drunk as any wino on skid row” (SA 20-21).



Sexaholics Anonymous is a recovery program based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and received permission from AA to use its Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions in 1979.

January 1981

Roy K. recorded in the West LA Saturday night speaker meeting:

“This is where the first meeting of Sexaholic Anonymous (I think in the world) took place, in this room, on January 25, 1981.”

From Essay, May 2019

June 1981

The Dear Abby column below, which was syndicated across the United States, resulted in thousands of inquiries to the Simi Valley post office box. Employing some help, Roy K. responded to the desperate letters. Rapidly Sexaholics Anonymous became a genuine resource for those addicted to lust.

Dear Abby June 1981

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